Field of work - Spatial planning

Spatial planning

On the basis of the customer's needs, our advisers look for solutions which they then translate from regulations and policy into feasible plans. The guiding principle is to think in terms of solutions.

The approach adopted by our advisers revolves around creativity, reality and feasibility. You can count on them adopting a vigorous and innovative approach in which they are not afraid to think outside the box. This often results in surprising solutions for your spatial plans and environmental issues. Our advisers are specialised in solving complex problems relating to space, the surroundings and the environment. Their expertise also extends to legal issues, for example those related to the Environmental Law (General Provisions) Act [De Wet algemene bepalingen omgevingsrecht] (Wabo), the Spatial Planning Act [Wet Spatial planning] (WRO), the digitalisation of zoning plans, the Environmental Management Act [Wet milieubeheer] (Wmb) and the Activities Decree [Activiteitenbesluit] (Barim). You can also rely on them to detail and submit zoning plans and All-in-one Permits for Physical Aspects which meet all these set requirements. maakt gebruik van cookies. Sluit deze melding